Sign up and create a station

In Radiojar signup and creation of a station goes together. You can see all the plans that we provide here

Firstly you need to select a plan and the billing cycle. You can choose between a monthly plan or a yearly plan that comes with a 2-months-off discount.

Select the plan that best suits your needs. Don't worry! You can always make changes on the plan or the billing period later on, through the billing area of your radio station.

You may connect through your existing Google or Facebook account, or sign up using your email. 

If you choose to signup via email you will be sent a confirmation code, which you will need to insert in the appropriate field in order to proceed.

Once you successfully signup and authenticate your email or social profile, you will need to add some details about your personal account and the station you want to create. 

You will be able to make changes on the radio station's information later on from the Profile section in the station's management area.

The final step requires your billing and credit card information in order to proceed with the creation of the station.

Payments are received through PayPal or with the use of a credit card (Visa/ MasterCard) and processed through Braintree (A Paypal's company).

When you are ready and have completed filling in the required billing info, select “Start your station”. 

As soon as you have completed the process, your PayPal or credit card account will be charged and your new station will be activated.

If you have been given a voucher, you can fill it in the appropriate field, before completing the transaction.

Once you complete this final step, your station will be up and running and you will be redirected to the station's management page

Now your station is active and ready to broadcast. 

Check out this guide and follow the next steps to get your station broadcasting using the automations provided.