Media Library is Radiojar's tool for uploading and managing songs and playlists. It can be accessed by both DJs and radio owners/administrators. Each user has access to at least one library when he/she signs up, called his/her Personal Library "My Library".
If a user is also a producer or owner/staff of a station he/she has access to the radio station's library as well. The only difference between producer s and station staff is that producers cannot edit or delete any of the station's uploaded songs or playlists.
Accessing Media Library for DJs
Go to your homepage when logged in and select "Personal media library" in the section of your broadcasts.
Accessing Media Library for Radio owners/administrators
Visit the Dashboard of your radio station where you will see a "Media Library" button.
Uploading Songs
Let's now go through a step by step tutorial on how to upload a media file to your media library.
The Media Library button will open a new window with your or your station’s Library which should be empty if this is your first time to upload files. Click on Upload Tracks.
This will open yet another window on which you may drag and drop music files directly from your hard disk (or click the "Add Files" button on the bottom left and select them). Once you’ve added some files click on the "Start Upload" button to start the upload process. We use a different window for uploading so you can leave this working in the background while you do other things. You can visit this window again from time to time to check upload status and/or add more files until you're done.
You can now use Dropbox to upload songs! (When you click on Upload Tracks there are two options: either you can choose files from Dropbox or you can upload tracks from your computer.)

If you want you can apply tags to the tracks you upload so that you won't have to do it afterwards. Just select the tags you want before uploading and the tags will be added to the all the songs once they are uploaded.
When all your files have been uploaded successfully go back to the Media Library. You should see them listed in the Recently Added tab and you are now able to edit their information and add tags. Tagging will enable you to categorise your music files and create track selection rules in Pilots. Pilots are rules-based playlists that you can schedule when there are no live shows playing. Radiojar will try to automatically assign tags when processing your uploaded tracks.
Let’s see how you can add tags. First select one or more songs that you want to tag. Click on the "Tag" menu item. You should see a list of the available tags in the dropdown that appears. You can check any of the listed tags or add a new one.
Click "apply" and you'll have successfully added the checked tags and the newly added tags to the selected song(s).